Rent Mercedes E 250 cab in Cap-d-ail

Rent Mercedes E 250 cab in Cap-d-ail - France

hire Mercedes-E-250-cab


  • 1 day / 200 km : From 336 €
  • 3 days / 600 km : From 833 €
  • 7 days / 1400 km : From 1680 €
Our rates vary per season.


Rental Conditions

  • Deductile : 9000 €
  • Add insurance (per rental day): 40 €
  • Reduced deductible : 3000 €
  • Add kilometer : 2 €
  • Minimum Age: 25 Years


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hire Mercedes-E-250-cab
hire Mercedes-E-250-cab
Engine & Transmission
  • Horsepower : 184ch Cv
  • Torke : 250 at 5 000
  • Displacement : 1796 cm3
  • Gearbox : Automatic
  • Max speed : 231 km/h
  • 0-100 km/h : 9,3 s
Price & Miscellaneous
  • Price : 46100 euros
  • Interior color : black
  • Exterior color : silver
  • Places inside: 2+2
  • Constructor :
Long, low and large, with a marquee of a hood, and style and seats enough for four, drophead Mercs have always been expensive and exclusive, symbolising ostentatious luxury and technical advancement. Drophead Mercedes also seemed a generous way to journey. Instead of the "me-and-my-gorgeous-pouting-companion" solipsism of the two-seater sports car, the cabriolet allowed four friends to enjoy the wind in their hair. Except that theory has always been better than practice. Above 60mph the air flaps painfully in your ears, the draughts nip at your nose and you cannot hear a single thing. What starts out as a transport of delight quickly becomes a highway to hell. Now Mercedes thinks it has solved the problem of the chilly, wind-blasted rear-seat passengers and turned its cabriolet into an all-season drophead. Dubbed AirCap, the idea of a wing on the top rail of the screen to deflect the air has been knocking around Mercedes for more than 20 years.